New blog
Heyy, yeah. I got a new blog. I just deleted my first post and made another first post. Woohoo.
so, yeah. Wow. Amazing blog all about me. More than you ever wanted to know. mmmHmm. Well. Goodbye.
so, yeah. Wow. Amazing blog all about me. More than you ever wanted to know. mmmHmm. Well. Goodbye.
I give you either 2 weeks or 5 posts before groupies come swarming. Heh.
Hi, I represent a medium sized flock of bubbly girls with poofie pens and monkey socks. We can't wait to hear what you have to say! About anything.
OOoohmigosh! A-MouZe is sooooOOo right! I soo want to hear what you have to say, Drewboo-..I mean, -berry. Come on honey, say something about planes and.. and, computers and all those crazy smart things!!!!
What can I say? I made it at 2 in the morning due to peer pressures. People shouldn't bother me like that while I am in that state of mind.
there, fixed. Critical posse o' pandas....
Hey, I'm just starting the same journy, sort of.
Hey, great blog!! Finally some one who shares the same interests!!!
I like the "One if by land, two is by C++. I think you need to use the commenting program that Chaz (Chck-Muffin) uses. Its alot eisier on the guys who don't have acounts on blogspot!
Or you could. You know. Get an account. :p
I have one thing to say...
You know 'Drew, My dad suggested instead of "land" you should do "lan"! Just a thought!
excellent sugestion
Or what about:
if (one) {
else (two) {
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "fetacheese.h"
#define dintLAND , 0;
#define dintSEA , 1;
#define dVkONE, 0x30;
#define dVkTWO, 0x31;
char * main ()
while (1)
char * pTempBuffer = new char [20];
if (GetAsyncKeyState( dVkONE, VK_DOWN );
strcpy(pTempBuffer, "Land");
if (GetAsyncKeyState( dVkTWO, VK_DOWN );
strcpy(pTempBuffer, "Sea");
if (pTempBuffer[0] == "")
delete [] pTempBuffer;
return pTemp;
return 0;
I'ne started learning C++, and I've program in other languages, so I kinda understand that code you typed up.
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