Thursday, August 31, 2006

A weakness of sorts

There is a destructive cycle within my psyche that runs endlessly and contributes to the general chaos surrounding me.

There are two separate values which are both linked in an unstable direct relation system, the first of which is my inability to throw things away. Let me state differently: the inability to throw away anything that can still function in some useful capacity. In other words, I cannot stand the fact that I may be disposing of a still effective tool of any sort. It makes me feel like a rich pig. It makes me feel like I'm contributing to the degradation of society. It makes me feel like I am non-resourceful to go about with the idea of, Eh, I'll just buy another one. This problem is especially pronounced when it comes to clothing. The fact that A: it costs a lot of money, B: they can be used outside of their normal sense (e.g. as rags, patches, etc.) and C: I feel like a dirt bag throwing clothing away when I know that there are people who would fight over what I intend to toss out.

This brings to light my second infirmity: I hate clothes. They are absurd manifestations of modern upper class societal motivational factors, almost all of which deviate towards impracticality and ornamentation, as history proves. I'd just as much rather wear a toga as anything else. Just so long as I put it on in the morning and change it out the next day. In other words, I don't find pre-ripped jeans fashionable, nor do I find them practical, nor do I care.

The net result of all of this is that I end up with a gigantic stack of clothing in my closet, some of which were given to me and some of which are just running themselves down. And still, I end up looking the same as I always do. They sit there taking up a ton of space and driving me nuts, but I am powerless to do anything about it.


Blogger heidi said...

i cant relate. i'm a thrower. throw throw throw!! there aint nothing wrong with the goodwill pile.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

Preach it,Heidi! I am the same way,if anything you are helping someone by giving it to Goodwill,instead of just throwing it away where no one can use it. At least that is my opinion anyway.

11:52 AM  
Blogger sj said...

Oooh, Drew.

2:00 PM  
Blogger The A, Mistah said...

Glad I don't save alot of stuff.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Carrie said...

I, unfortunatly, can TOTALLY relate! I can't throw anything away! I nearly freaked when my mom had a friend over to clean out her room. My parents room, note, and I was freaking out over all the stuff they were throwing out!

8:16 PM  

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