Sunday, October 30, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
No comment.
Reading what many people write about religion really gets on my nerves. Especially the fact that whenever they say "religion", you know that they are referring to Christianity, and that when they begin to talk about it, it becomes a common bash fest. Being tolerant of religion is "in" these days, and is only right after all, but bring up Christians and it is a street fight no holds barred.
They worship their non-religion religion relentlessly. They call us stupid for following what a "man" has said many years ago. They say we are ignorant and incapable of seeing the big picture and of free independent thought. They say we are brainwashed. They say that they are so smart, since they listen to what other smart people have to say.
I want to ask you something. Supposing that there is a God, what in this universe would ever make you think that you would be able to understand him and reduce him to a number. How can you even think that you could get the slightest notion of his being when you are constantly creating new devices to see across this universe. Constantly creating new devices to see smaller parts of the simplest form of matter. You can't see anywhere CLOSE to what lies ahead. What lies further. What lies deeper. Can a flea have any concept of human life? It senses heat, and it feels the blood that it eats. The creature only has the shallowest concept of our life as humans. It is a simple being. And WE, the all mighty humans cannot create anything as simple, yet complex, as a single celled self sustaining organism.
Greater is the knowledge of how much you do not know, whenever you study to achieve greater knowledge. Anyone with any true intelligence and wisdom would tell you that. You stupid idiots with all of your fact gathering and logic proving nonsense. What does all the knowledge in the world do for you when you are up against the God of the universe.
They worship their non-religion religion relentlessly. They call us stupid for following what a "man" has said many years ago. They say we are ignorant and incapable of seeing the big picture and of free independent thought. They say we are brainwashed. They say that they are so smart, since they listen to what other smart people have to say.
I want to ask you something. Supposing that there is a God, what in this universe would ever make you think that you would be able to understand him and reduce him to a number. How can you even think that you could get the slightest notion of his being when you are constantly creating new devices to see across this universe. Constantly creating new devices to see smaller parts of the simplest form of matter. You can't see anywhere CLOSE to what lies ahead. What lies further. What lies deeper. Can a flea have any concept of human life? It senses heat, and it feels the blood that it eats. The creature only has the shallowest concept of our life as humans. It is a simple being. And WE, the all mighty humans cannot create anything as simple, yet complex, as a single celled self sustaining organism.
Greater is the knowledge of how much you do not know, whenever you study to achieve greater knowledge. Anyone with any true intelligence and wisdom would tell you that. You stupid idiots with all of your fact gathering and logic proving nonsense. What does all the knowledge in the world do for you when you are up against the God of the universe.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Music is Evil class 101. Professor in Music, Mr.S, keeps taking quotes and references from Jessie Jackson and Mick Jagger. Personally, I don't take a word that comes out of their mouthes as having any value whatsoever, whether it has to do with music or it has to do with how *insert exploitive* President Bush is. It is all trash.
He is also taking quotes from secular sociologists on the basis that the secular sociologists are not biased toward the Christian view that all music is evil except for the Living Hymns, the Praises book, anything written by Ron Hamilton, and the latest Patch the Piratetm CD. While that makes excellent sense up to a point, in my experience most college professors, let alone sociology professors, are rather wacked to begin with. So I don't like taking quotes from people that I have never heard from and who are referred to without name as "a proponent professor at X college". And they usually tend to be biased toward something, even if it might not have religious connotations
I am trying to be objective. I really am, but it is hard to do so when your only choices are (good) Christian worship music, and rock. Christian Worship music being what was described above in the sarcasm block. Rock being everything else (yes, everything else).
I have a feeling that this is all going to wrap (ha, I almost said rap [which is not actually music, by the way]) around the fact that, after money, The Beat is the root of all evil.
This beat is so evil due to the fact that it makes us want to tap our foot. Yes, this is true. A sense of beat is a gift from God, I would say. Without it, we would have no sense of music. We wouldn't have poetry, we wouldn't have songs, we wouldn't have the whole book of Psalms. All music, as we see it now, would appear to be just another random set of dots splattered all over the paper. Patterns are necessary for us to live. We wouldn't have mathematics without patterns, we wouldn't have any concept of years seasons months days or moments without patterns. A beat is just another form of a pattern set in the medium of music.
This form of pattern is one of the most natural ingrained functions of our brain. It is really very incredible. Something as complicated as defining a beat and a rythem and an off-beat and an asyncopated rythem is very complicated when put down on paper or when trying to get a computer to do it, yet it comes naturally to us.
So, I am sorry to say, in every single holy hymn we sing there is a beat. I don't know where they get off on saying that there is none, because it is there. It is very easy to see, and it is very proponent. In fact, at certain points in certain songs where a more accelerated or emphatic point is being driven towards, I hear the pianist specifically emphasizing the beats in order to push forward. Scandalous. If they really wished for there not to be a beat, we could have everyone hold whole notes, all of the same pitch tone and volume, tied over for the whole song. But, even then, a beat would be apparent because of the fact that everyone started at one time and ended a set amount of counts later. Oh the tangled web we weave! My cursed inner foot tapping self needs to be cleansed!
And, for the record, I am not saying that every song needs to have a pounding drum beat and a driving bass. In fact, it makes me nuts a lot of times. It is a sign of not being very creative.
He is also taking quotes from secular sociologists on the basis that the secular sociologists are not biased toward the Christian view that
I am trying to be objective. I really am, but it is hard to do so when your only choices are (good) Christian worship music, and rock. Christian Worship music being what was described above in the sarcasm block. Rock being everything else (yes, everything else).
I have a feeling that this is all going to wrap (ha, I almost said rap [which is not actually music, by the way]) around the fact that, after money, The Beat is the root of all evil.
This beat is so evil due to the fact that it makes us want to tap our foot. Yes, this is true. A sense of beat is a gift from God, I would say. Without it, we would have no sense of music. We wouldn't have poetry, we wouldn't have songs, we wouldn't have the whole book of Psalms. All music, as we see it now, would appear to be just another random set of dots splattered all over the paper. Patterns are necessary for us to live. We wouldn't have mathematics without patterns, we wouldn't have any concept of years seasons months days or moments without patterns. A beat is just another form of a pattern set in the medium of music.
This form of pattern is one of the most natural ingrained functions of our brain. It is really very incredible. Something as complicated as defining a beat and a rythem and an off-beat and an asyncopated rythem is very complicated when put down on paper or when trying to get a computer to do it, yet it comes naturally to us.
So, I am sorry to say, in every single holy hymn we sing there is a beat. I don't know where they get off on saying that there is none, because it is there. It is very easy to see, and it is very proponent. In fact, at certain points in certain songs where a more accelerated or emphatic point is being driven towards, I hear the pianist specifically emphasizing the beats in order to push forward. Scandalous. If they really wished for there not to be a beat, we could have everyone hold whole notes, all of the same pitch tone and volume, tied over for the whole song. But, even then, a beat would be apparent because of the fact that everyone started at one time and ended a set amount of counts later. Oh the tangled web we weave! My cursed inner foot tapping self needs to be cleansed!
And, for the record, I am not saying that every song needs to have a pounding drum beat and a driving bass. In fact, it makes me nuts a lot of times. It is a sign of not being very creative.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Celeb Photos
And this next picture here is from when James Bond came to town.... Oh. Wait. Ho ho, I always get confused with this picture here. The guy in this picture is DEFINITELY way smoother than any seventy year old Bond character could ever be.

I bet James Bond couldn't play a violin like I did that night. Thats right, like in my premiere movie "Diminished Scale another day", or in the follow up blockbusters, "License to Jam", or "The Man with the Golden Fiddle".

I bet James Bond couldn't play a violin like I did that night. Thats right, like in my premiere movie "Diminished Scale another day", or in the follow up blockbusters, "License to Jam", or "The Man with the Golden Fiddle".
Thursday, October 20, 2005
caffeine is not a drug. It is a way of life.
I think I hit the sweet spot. It was on Sunday. Sunday morning to be exact.
A little context is required. The Friday and Saturday nights before that Sunday involved me staying up until 2am and 1am respectively. Normally this isn't such a big deal since I generally get my eight hours of sleep regardless of when I actually go to sleep. On Saturday I arose after seven hours of sleep. Sleeping in until after nine usually brings an uneasiness that will wake me up, unless I am exhausted for some reason or another. On Sunday I had to be up for church, so there was no question about it and I got about 6 hours of sleep.
At this point I am about 3 hours behind. Normally I find that this window allows me to function, albeit at a slightly slower pace and possibly with a little fatigue and, sometimes, electric joy in the form of outbursts of laughing at stupid jokes. In any case, I had some coffee before church. The normal dose of a single cup filled as high as can be filled.
The whole church service I could feel my heart pumping in my ears at 100+ BPM and I felt like doing laps around the church a couple times and I felt like shouting out a couple of my opinions during Music Ed 101.
This is a documented effect with me. When I am short on sleep yet high on caffeine, I tend to cruise in this state of low mental activity and high energy output. But, it has never happened to me before to this extent. I thought that my heart was going to explode from beating so fast, and I was sure that someone was going to accuse me of Parkinson's disease from all my jittering.
I am not quite sure about how to explain this. There are only a couple of options, in my opinion. First, I think Mom had started mixing the decaf with the regular in larger and larger proportions every day, then decided to drop the bomb on Sunday. Second, I was drugged. Third, my body decided that it didn't have a tolerance to caffeine anymore. Fourth, everyone is in on a big joke on me and is laughing at this post right now.
EDIT: Mark, before you even consider typing it: No. I was not listening to "All Jacked Up" that day. And no, I don't want a copy of it.
A little context is required. The Friday and Saturday nights before that Sunday involved me staying up until 2am and 1am respectively. Normally this isn't such a big deal since I generally get my eight hours of sleep regardless of when I actually go to sleep. On Saturday I arose after seven hours of sleep. Sleeping in until after nine usually brings an uneasiness that will wake me up, unless I am exhausted for some reason or another. On Sunday I had to be up for church, so there was no question about it and I got about 6 hours of sleep.
At this point I am about 3 hours behind. Normally I find that this window allows me to function, albeit at a slightly slower pace and possibly with a little fatigue and, sometimes, electric joy in the form of outbursts of laughing at stupid jokes. In any case, I had some coffee before church. The normal dose of a single cup filled as high as can be filled.
The whole church service I could feel my heart pumping in my ears at 100+ BPM and I felt like doing laps around the church a couple times and I felt like shouting out a couple of my opinions during Music Ed 101.
This is a documented effect with me. When I am short on sleep yet high on caffeine, I tend to cruise in this state of low mental activity and high energy output. But, it has never happened to me before to this extent. I thought that my heart was going to explode from beating so fast, and I was sure that someone was going to accuse me of Parkinson's disease from all my jittering.
I am not quite sure about how to explain this. There are only a couple of options, in my opinion. First, I think Mom had started mixing the decaf with the regular in larger and larger proportions every day, then decided to drop the bomb on Sunday. Second, I was drugged. Third, my body decided that it didn't have a tolerance to caffeine anymore. Fourth, everyone is in on a big joke on me and is laughing at this post right now.
EDIT: Mark, before you even consider typing it: No. I was not listening to "All Jacked Up" that day. And no, I don't want a copy of it.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
To Question a Mockingbird
For Sunday morning service, Pastor W. has been conducting a study on Revelation. It always amazes me that God decided to put Revelation in the Bible, because, while it reveals so much, it is so hard to understand. That is, if we are even suppose to understand the parts that are troubling in the first place. Therefore, much of it is often put up to speculation and opinions. Obviously, there is a reason for the book to be there. I am not implying that it is there by mistake, or that it is misprinted. Merely that it is a little much for our feeble minds to comprehend.
A few weeks ago, we reached the sixth chapter in which the seven seals are being opened to bring wrath upon the earth. The first seal reveals a white horse with a rider carrying a bow who "went out conquering and to conquer".
First of all, my local disclaimer: "I do not claim to be a 12 year Bible scholar and the opinions disclosed here represent only my own. (And I personally do not have a flowing working knowledge of the book of Revelation)". And, to add to that, please read my global disclaimer which is declared above.
When Pastor W. got to this line, he began to make his commentary. The gist of it went as such: Though the man is riding to conquer the world, the "weapon" which he uses to propel his victory is a silent yet deadly one, since the text only states that he has a bow. It does not explicitly state that he has any arrows.
When listening to that, I felt like getting up to ask him what line of thought drove him into thinking this. Not in a hostile way, but in an informative and a healthy debate sort of way. My line of thinking was that if I pointed a gun at your head, you would not say "Aha! You did not say that you put ammunition in the gun! Therefore, it is not loaded!". It seems rather obvious that if I am using a gun (or a bow) to conquer a convince store (or a nation), then it is safe to assume that I have ammunition (arrows) to use.
What seems to me odd with the line of thought that was being taught is that much is being read into the verse. I would be much more comfortable accepting what actually is in the Bible, rather than assuming what isn't there.
If this were the case, then this would *not* be the antichrist, seeing as (from what I understand, mind you) the antichrist actually does come in a silent and subtle manner. What the verse is speaking of, then, is some sort of nation that is exercising force on the world.
While I thought that this notion was interesting and all, it was rather forcibly pushed into the back of my mind by my reasoning that he is doing this for a living and isn't trying to con anyone, so I took it as it came. The next Friday of the same week was my Greek class. A classmate was getting chewed out for inserting a heresy into her translation based on an assumption of the meaning of a Greek word as compared to the meaning of an English word. The Dean proceeded to speak about how one cannot take "the easy way out" by taking what one has heard from others second hand as "law". Your conclusions need to have a foundation which can be derived by yourself from base facts and truths. He then proceeded to talk about how he was caught off guard by the same thing that I was the previous Sunday. Apparently, he had always taken it to be as it was explained and just didn't think to question it. He said that even though his MacArthur study Bible had the same stance as Pastor W., it didn't really back it up.
The point of all this isn't to change your beliefs on eschatology (although, for some of you, it might help). I was just thinking about how much we are sheep to other prominent people. Questioning things isn't a display of disbelief. Rather, it is a show of strong interest in the subject matter and leads to greater understanding. This world wouldn't be so dumb if people wouldn't take as law what a few "smart" people tell them. This nation in particular (read, Stupid Media! Stupid Media! Stupid Media!).
I guess I would have to do a word study on the usages of weapons and bows and such in order to obtain a greater understanding of what I am speaking of. That is a project for another day.
A few weeks ago, we reached the sixth chapter in which the seven seals are being opened to bring wrath upon the earth. The first seal reveals a white horse with a rider carrying a bow who "went out conquering and to conquer".
First of all, my local disclaimer: "I do not claim to be a 12 year Bible scholar and the opinions disclosed here represent only my own. (And I personally do not have a flowing working knowledge of the book of Revelation)". And, to add to that, please read my global disclaimer which is declared above.
When Pastor W. got to this line, he began to make his commentary. The gist of it went as such: Though the man is riding to conquer the world, the "weapon" which he uses to propel his victory is a silent yet deadly one, since the text only states that he has a bow. It does not explicitly state that he has any arrows.
When listening to that, I felt like getting up to ask him what line of thought drove him into thinking this. Not in a hostile way, but in an informative and a healthy debate sort of way. My line of thinking was that if I pointed a gun at your head, you would not say "Aha! You did not say that you put ammunition in the gun! Therefore, it is not loaded!". It seems rather obvious that if I am using a gun (or a bow) to conquer a convince store (or a nation), then it is safe to assume that I have ammunition (arrows) to use.
What seems to me odd with the line of thought that was being taught is that much is being read into the verse. I would be much more comfortable accepting what actually is in the Bible, rather than assuming what isn't there.
If this were the case, then this would *not* be the antichrist, seeing as (from what I understand, mind you) the antichrist actually does come in a silent and subtle manner. What the verse is speaking of, then, is some sort of nation that is exercising force on the world.
While I thought that this notion was interesting and all, it was rather forcibly pushed into the back of my mind by my reasoning that he is doing this for a living and isn't trying to con anyone, so I took it as it came. The next Friday of the same week was my Greek class. A classmate was getting chewed out for inserting a heresy into her translation based on an assumption of the meaning of a Greek word as compared to the meaning of an English word. The Dean proceeded to speak about how one cannot take "the easy way out" by taking what one has heard from others second hand as "law". Your conclusions need to have a foundation which can be derived by yourself from base facts and truths. He then proceeded to talk about how he was caught off guard by the same thing that I was the previous Sunday. Apparently, he had always taken it to be as it was explained and just didn't think to question it. He said that even though his MacArthur study Bible had the same stance as Pastor W., it didn't really back it up.
The point of all this isn't to change your beliefs on eschatology (although, for some of you, it might help). I was just thinking about how much we are sheep to other prominent people. Questioning things isn't a display of disbelief. Rather, it is a show of strong interest in the subject matter and leads to greater understanding. This world wouldn't be so dumb if people wouldn't take as law what a few "smart" people tell them. This nation in particular (read, Stupid Media! Stupid Media! Stupid Media!).
I guess I would have to do a word study on the usages of weapons and bows and such in order to obtain a greater understanding of what I am speaking of. That is a project for another day.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Television makes me homicidal
Present day sitcoms are lame, I've hated "reality" TV since it first started catching on, liberal media is worthless for receiving any real genuine fact based information, history shows are all old news, The X-Files series is completed, Even Stevens is no longer on Nickelodeon (the final step towards their demise ever since the original cast of All That was phased out), Mr.Rogers died, the people on Fear Factor are not really in danger of losing their lives, and people like Drew Carey have their own shows.
As far as I am concerned, the only real reason to watch TV right now in this day and age is to watch M*A*S*H, which is on every night at 11:00PM to 1:00AM in the morning except Sunday on the Hallmark Channel (Let me say that this is also the ONLY reason to be watching the Hallmark Channel).
Everyone in that show is just so entirely crazy in their own unique way that it makes them so very normal. This show definitely deserves to be on more channels than the Hallmark channel. That is most certainly a disgrace. It displays the lowered standards of society's entertainment. You just don't get the same spread of actors, personalities, storyline, drama, and humor anymore.
So someday when I am old and I have a high pitched frail voice, I can be the person that says "And when I was young, there use to be a bag of garbanzo beans worth of channels, and all that was playing was a dag flabbin' new reality show that was lame as a pig on a spit in the heat of July. Yep, the only show worth kicking the can for was MASH. And now, kids got no respect!"
As far as I am concerned, the only real reason to watch TV right now in this day and age is to watch M*A*S*H, which is on every night at 11:00PM to 1:00AM in the morning except Sunday on the Hallmark Channel (Let me say that this is also the ONLY reason to be watching the Hallmark Channel).
Everyone in that show is just so entirely crazy in their own unique way that it makes them so very normal. This show definitely deserves to be on more channels than the Hallmark channel. That is most certainly a disgrace. It displays the lowered standards of society's entertainment. You just don't get the same spread of actors, personalities, storyline, drama, and humor anymore.
So someday when I am old and I have a high pitched frail voice, I can be the person that says "And when I was young, there use to be a bag of garbanzo beans worth of channels, and all that was playing was a dag flabbin' new reality show that was lame as a pig on a spit in the heat of July. Yep, the only show worth kicking the can for was MASH. And now, kids got no respect!"
Monday, October 03, 2005
Schoolwork at a snail's pace
While under the influence of major concentration in order to complete my homework that needs to be done, I sometimes glance around the room in an attempt to look at something other than the school book so as not to burn my eyes and brain out. As I am concentrating, I often find myself looking over the left side of my desk down onto a project computer that I am building for someone. The keyboard sits atop the case. Whenever I spot it, my whole line of concentration and my whole thought process all get dumped for the one reflexive question that jumps to mind: Why on earth did they put a snail hot key on this keyboard?
After a moment of thought on the matter, I read the caption to see that it is actually referring to a webcam. And then I think about this awesome post on data transfer that I wrote a while back. Then I realize that I just wasted 5 minutes on a keyboard.
It is just too bad that it doesn't look like a llama or anything. That would be cool.
After a moment of thought on the matter, I read the caption to see that it is actually referring to a webcam. And then I think about this awesome post on data transfer that I wrote a while back. Then I realize that I just wasted 5 minutes on a keyboard.
It is just too bad that it doesn't look like a llama or anything. That would be cool.