To whom it may concern...
Friday night is: Friday-night-post-TAWAKET-Pizza Night-horror-suspence-movie-Paluza!
We will be feturing the movie, "The Village", as the center of the paluza. Please be sure to bring snack food and drink for everyone, as we will not have any available at our house. With our new moniter/speaker layout, there will be greater comfort and visual positioning for everyone. Be there or be square.
We will be feturing the movie, "The Village", as the center of the paluza. Please be sure to bring snack food and drink for everyone, as we will not have any available at our house. With our new moniter/speaker layout, there will be greater comfort and visual positioning for everyone. Be there or be square.
Also, please remeber your rubber and/or Nylon Polymer Underware.
ok then...
No fondue,you will be eating it for weeks on end!!!!
Anonymous Sar said:
I love that movie...
That reminds me of the time my brother sent one of those cards back because he wanted the cool Marine Bulldog tee shirt iron-on that you got if you filled out the card and sent it in. Thing was that he filled it out with MY name. What an idiot. I got phone calls and mail for the next 2 years from the recuiting office. Every time they called, I told them I was not really interested in becomming a Marine (being both too fat and too uncoordinated), and to that they would always reply:
"But you DID send the card in, didn't you???"
Please disregard the above comment. It was intended for the next post up.
We apologize for any confusion this may have caused, and hope that it does not detract from your blog reading experience.
Aww, and I was getting uber excited about recieving a large host of comments.
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