Ocular Stimulation
Seeing as it is so close to Christmas, and that I am just the happy cheery go-lucky guy that I am ;), I just had to put up my string of Christmas lights. The set that we had up from last year would have still been up, but it had died by March/April. Somewhere thereabouts. I am currently the president of the leading conspiracy theory which believes in the fact that they purposely make the lights in a "cheesy" fashion so as to force you into buying multiple pairs a year. They, of course, deny all knowledge.
Anyway, I had Blake friend Lydia pick me up 2 strings (for 2.50 a string. what a bargain!) a little while back. I currently have one string up. I am not sure if I really should put the other string up, seeing as I already get minor sunburns on my right side due to the constant exposure of the bright lights right over my shoulder. They will at least make good backup lights in the case of a power outage.
Anyway, I had Blake friend Lydia pick me up 2 strings (for 2.50 a string. what a bargain!) a little while back. I currently have one string up. I am not sure if I really should put the other string up, seeing as I already get minor sunburns on my right side due to the constant exposure of the bright lights right over my shoulder. They will at least make good backup lights in the case of a power outage.

Duh...if the power goes out???
To go along with your conspiracy theory, we once bought a set of lights (and I'm not making this up) but they were made by Kodak. Well, they "flashed" on just once and that was it. That's the last time we buy Christmas lights that are marketed by a camera company.
Dosen't matter if the power goes out. We have backup power here. Heh.
Well, yeah. Because they break so quickly is why you can buy them at $2.50 (What a bargain!). Everyone buys them, giving the christmas lights more money being able to make them have lower prices.
Ahem..., It should Christmas lights COMPANY instead of Christmas lights. I should re-read by comments more, that way I wouldn't look as much like a dork... wait! Never mind.
Very nice, very artistic. Yeah, and if the power goes out, um, I think the lights will too.
Oh ya, we're gonna boot up the generator to keep your lights on in a blizzard.
That and his computer, right? The latter of which would probably drain all of Saudi Arabia's fossil fuel supply in 5 hours.
Beautious, Drewy.....beautious.
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