Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A song sung for underdogs

I am usually religiously against the posting of song lyrics, but, hey, I am feeling especially loser-like today, despite seemingly good start at the day.

Coke bottle glasses,
I'm sitting in the corner with my finger up my nose,
And my shoelaces untied again,
Another day of school with no friends.
A social outcast,
Two grades ahead in math,
with my highwater pants,
Giving meaning to pencil-necked-geek,
A dork or so to speak, tongue-in-cheek.

They're all sucker-punching me,
Get in line for a wedgie.
All I want and all I need,
Is someone who believes in me.

A song sung for underdogs,
for all the left out.
A flag flying for losers,
somewhere in the Heavens.
The God of ever-lasting comfort,
believed in me,
Loved me when I was faithless,
he still died for me.

Junior High schooler
With pencils in my pockets,
and my Trapper Keeper busted,
Spilling papers and books on the floor,
Not wanting seventh grade anymore.
Another class-clown,
Acting like a goof to be accepted by my peers,
Giving meaning to pencil-necked-geek,
a dork or so to speak, tongue in cheek.

They're all sucker-punching me,
Get in line for a wedgie.
All I want and all I need,
Is someone who believes in me.

A song sung for underdogs,
for all the left out.
A flag flying for losers,
somewhere in the Heavens.
The God of ever-lasting comfort,
believed in me,
Loved me when I was faithless,
he still died for me.


Sunday, March 20, 2005


I hate complaining about church since it seems so wrong, but this thing jsut irks me really badly. Today at church, it seemed to grow to such a monstrocity that the whole world noticed should have noticed. It was almost unbearable. Extremely oppressive. It is the scripture reading at the beginning of the service.
It is bad enough that we have to use the "Scripture reading inserts" that they provide for us (In retrospect, this isn't really a bad thing. The bad part that drives me nuts over this must be the fact that it is called the "scripture reading insert". It isn't called anything else. It is the "scripture reading insert". Referring to it by another name, preferably shorter, is totally illegal. It must be called the "scripture reading insert", no matter how many times it is said. If you don't call it the "scripture reading insert", you are obviously in violation of something. Therefore "scripture reading insert" is always used when addressing the "scripture reading insert"). When they start reading, it is almost alright, but once they hit the slightest comma, hyphen, or semicolon, everyone comes to a complete and abrupt silence. The blazingly loud silence lasts seemingly forever before P.W. decides to roll out of his trance and continue onward to the next phrase. I don't even want to think about where periods and line breaks occur. It even happens without punctuation marks. After conjunctions like "and", they freeze half the time when it wasn't even used for making a compound sentence.
I don't know how they even get off doing this. It puts me to sleep. We read the first phrase at an excruciatingly slow pace, and I try to speak and process it at the same time as it comes. It is a totally different method of comprehension than what almost anyone else goes through in normal reading. I have a hard time trying to concentrate on what I am reading when this slo-mo replay of the Bible is going on.
And if, heaven forbid, you slip up and accidentally utter a word in a human like timing, your voice resonates through the hall for all to hear perfectly clearly and snicker under their breath.
Someday all the old people are just going to stop mid sentence and not start up again. Death by seized up brain. How sad.

An underground resistance... Hmm...yes. That is what we need.
A group of people to, just,,, continue reading. They can either keep up, or keep out. Simple as that. Yes...

Friday, March 18, 2005


While posting the previous entry, I forgot to include my score. I then attempted to edit my post, but apparently it did not go through. So, I am very proud to say that I have scored in the upper relm of "Super Geek". I never had any doubt...

Monday, March 14, 2005

So, whats YOUR rating?

Today, I managed to stumble across a website called, home of the official Geek Test. Of course, I had to try it out and make sure that it was up to snuff. Thankfully, it was amazingly good. It covered all the important areas that I could think of, and even expounded on some of the deeper subjects. It was very detailed, methodical, and fair (example: if you happen to be a female geek, you don't get one extra checkbox, you get 5 :D). The end even containes a bonus section that allows for 5 extra check boxes of personal unlisted geeky stuff that would be worthy of noting. In all, I would count it worthy of my presence.
I am thinking that all future potential friends will need to pass this test with a secret score that only I know. Then, and only then, will the proceed from "formal acquaintance" to "worthy of sharing experiance points" level.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

can't deal with it.

I shall be brief today.
I would like to share with you a,,, revelation of sorts (puts on best A. Smith accent). I have come to the simple conclusion that socialization is WAY overrated. It just plain stinks.
First of all, you have to think way too hard. Is this going to bug him/her? Am I going past the polite boundaries? Would I be offending him/her with this? What would they think of this?
Which leads into number two: it takes thought away from other stuff that you want/need to do or think about. And not only that, but "socializing" tires you out, which in turn, proves for ineffective thoughts.
Third, nothing really gets accomplished. All you hear about is the weather (who doesn't know about that?), someone elses job (who really cares all that much, unless you're getting me some sweet deal, or you have some extrodinarilly funny story), or you hear someone talking about someone else and how horrible they are.
And fourth, for those people who are absolutely no good at it, it is as bad as preforming on a euphonium in front of a crowd without any prior knowledge as to what the heck a euphonium is.

I thought up a bunch more before, but I can't seem to remember them right now. It must have been from being up late at that party last night ;) (See reason #2).

EDIT: Note, the link above was (loosely) based on a real event where the term conversational homicide seemed very appropriate. It was rather funny.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I've been waiting for this

I found this cool blog the other day called Thats basically all that there is to it. It is a more techie hack site, rather than a cyber/software hack type thing. But this site is great! I can't believe that I've never ran across it before. I don't know how I've ever lived without all this ingenuity seeping out of the screen. They feature tons of very cool doodads that people have fudged together. Some of the neat ones consist of bowspring shoes that can launch you over a car, better wifi antennas, making video cameras underwater enabled, an embedded linux Big Mouth Billy Bass which lets Billy sing to your favorite mp3s, and information on how to overclock your trusty slow-as-a-sloth Ti calculator. They don't seem to have any hacks for ATMs yet, though, so I might keep an eye out.