Wednesday, August 31, 2005

They are gone

Yep, it's true. On Friday I lost my 4 little nuggets of wisdom. Some people claimed that I had absolutely no wisdom in me prior to that, but they were wrong. Until Friday. Then they were right. Of course, they might have been right all along, but that is subject to debate.

They yanked them out at 9:00AM Friday morning while under some heavy anesthesia, which resulted in me for, rest of the day, being in a constant sleepy euphoric state with intermittent severe anguish and numbness of most everything and anything in and around my mouth area. Although, I must say, I have never had such a complete and restful sleep in my life. I really like those sedatives. They bring on some real psychedelic dreams, too.

It wasn't until the third day that I started getting the headaches and the mouth pains and feeling the cuts everywhere. Until then, I thought it was going to be a breeze. But it was not to be so much as I imagined.

I am thoroughly disappointed, though. For one, I forgot to request my teeth back. As a result, I have nothing to show you. Second, I took a few pictures of my set of choppers by sticking a camera down my mouth, but I cannot remember what I did with the pictures on my computer. And I really don't feel like sticking the camera back inside my mouth again. I thought a few pictures would be a nice touch on here.

If they turn up, I'll be sure to post them.

Monday, August 29, 2005


Due to the recent surge of computer generated ads appearing on my blog, I am setting my comment system so that anyone who wishes to comment will need to do a word verification step in order to ensure that they are human. This should stop all ads from appearing. We shall see how this works. Just an FYI.

That is all.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Frog Baseball

Do not--I repeat: NOT, click on this link. It kills more brain cells than it generates. I was lured into it by the title, and curiosity was so intensely strong that I could not manage with all the strength of my body and mind to yank my tiny small index finger away from the mouse button, despite the numerous warnings given to me.

EDIT: While on the subject of useless links, I figured I would throw this one up too. While also somewhat useless, I believe that it makes an informative statement on the status of computer programmers.

EDIT (again): Still on the subject of useless links, I thought that this one was cool. The Unbreakable Umbrella. While I could think of 10 interesting usages for an unbreakable right now, it's main reason of existence is to be used for self defense. The man seen is a wrestling and judo world champion who (I think) developed it. There are some interesting videos of it in action on the site.

"Our Unbreakable Umbrella has no unusual parts, no more metal than an average umbrella, it does not arouse suspicion, can be carried legally everywhere where any weapons are prohibited, unlike a walking stick it does not cause strange looks if carried by an able-bodied person, and it does protect from rain."

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Tuesday Night: 3.5 hours of nonstop back to back movies with constant snackage of Gummy worms, Mike and Ikes, Junior Mints, Nerds and Vanilla Coke that lasted until 1:30 AM.

Wednesday Night: Prayer Meeting that happened to include Brownies, Doritos and bite-sized pretzel stumps.

Thursday morning: A giant lump of Nerd peppered Gummy Worms with shards of Doritos stuck on the edges that is sitting in my lower intestine.

I guess this is my form of a hangover from a party. I think that I would rather be throwing up and having headaches.

Friday, August 19, 2005

For every rule, there is an exception.

Now THIS is the kind of turkey hunting that I can deal with.

Ouch. Kelvin has never climbed so high in his life.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Not that I am ungrateful....

Because I am not. I really like what I got, but I couldn't help but to note the comparison: While at Barnes and Noble, Cassie decides to get me a gift in advance of my birthday. She buys me an Asimov book I was eying for $14.00 and uses a $10 gift certificate that she obtained (for free).

And, for her birthday, I bought her a brand spankin' new windshield for her car.

Forget it Cass, now the windshield is running as your Christmas present too.

(by the way, thanks for the book. It has all the good stories in it :D)