Tuesday Night: 3.5 hours of nonstop back to back movies with constant snackage of Gummy worms, Mike and Ikes, Junior Mints, Nerds and Vanilla Coke that lasted until 1:30 AM.
Wednesday Night: Prayer Meeting that happened to include Brownies, Doritos and bite-sized pretzel stumps.
Thursday morning: A giant lump of Nerd peppered Gummy Worms with shards of Doritos stuck on the edges that is sitting in my lower intestine.
I guess this is my form of a hangover from a party. I think that I would rather be throwing up and having headaches.
Wednesday Night: Prayer Meeting that happened to include Brownies, Doritos and bite-sized pretzel stumps.
Thursday morning: A giant lump of Nerd peppered Gummy Worms with shards of Doritos stuck on the edges that is sitting in my lower intestine.
I guess this is my form of a hangover from a party. I think that I would rather be throwing up and having headaches.
When there is a sugar high,there will be a sugar low later.
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You forgot about the brownies and pretzles hanging around with those nerds and doritos in there.
Are you throwing up and getting a headache...er, toothache, now? :(
Here's hoping not. Get better!
- sar
If by getting a toothache, you mean getting 4 wisdom teeth pulled out, then you are correct.
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