Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hot off the shower

Ironically enough, since Stephen and I were just talking about it last night, I was the subject of a spontaneous idea in the shower this morning. No, the amazing part isn't the fact that I got an idea.

I was thinking about how Cassie said that she doesn't drink soda(pop, coke) anymore because it makes her feel fat. Then I thought about overly large people and how they order three big macs and one super sized diet pepsi. I thought that this was a stupid practice. Then I thought about how there are McDonalds everywhere. In fact, there is a McDonald's everywhere there is any significant amount of population. So then I thought, what need is there for government mind-reading satellites and disguised postal worker moles, which each have a possibility of being caught, if the government could work in perfect secrecy in the basement of every single McDonalds?

Every McDonalds is conveniently placed in the center of any major populated area, and it is a major pit stop for most Americans on their way to or from work every day. Plus the fact that McDonalds serves food. And, as every one knows, mind controlling/poison/otherwise tampered with food is a huge discussion subject of the skeptical minds.

And not only McDonalds. There is more.

Did you realize that there is a multi billion dollar arms race being dealt out right beneath our noses? It is true. Tell me, if you see a McDs, what else do you expect to see? A Burger King, and a Wendy's, of course. These are suspected of being spawned by rival nations. China and Russia are chief suspects.

There are also a few smaller ones of note, a few of them being Taco bell, Sonic, Dunkin Donuts, and the like. Of these, the government is mostly sure of their origin (Guinea-Bissau, Andorra, and Palau respectively), they have been deemed not able to cause any serious damage and are not direct threats. Although, you can see how an establishment such as Chick-fil-A, located primarily in the south (Mexicans) can cause serious damage by sneaking in peanut products. I never liked Mexicans....

Therefore, since satallites are no longer the major threat, the use of tinfoil beanies no longer guarantees safety to its user (in fact, it never has. I suspect that this "remedy" to mind-reading signals was proposed by none other then The Man himself). A new safety measure is needed immediately.

So in closing, next time you are chewing at your Big-Mac, check for transmitters before you bite.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

On computer games

I don't play computer games quite nearly as much as I have in prior years. If I get a good single player game, I will play it through and all, but that is usually a one time thing for that period of time. Plus the fact that I don't buy many of them, unless they are big name ones. Examples being Farcry, the Myst series, MS Flight Sims, the Halflife saga, to name a few. I like to get maximum play out of my money, hence online games are a good path for that. Half-LIfe: Counter-Strike being a major one (Battlefield 1942 and it's [free] mods were a big one for a while, but I need to upgrade to BF2).

While the gameplay is still a major issue of whether I will play the game or not, it seems to have taken second place in my decision factor. And this is partially due to my simple philosophy about games, of which I am subject to. It states that the game, though its graphics and gameplay are vitally important, has a primary function of a realistic chat room. It provides a way to chat in a realistic environment, which is described by the game developers. I liken it to having a conversation over a game of cards with two other friends.

I have derived some of my greatest pleasure from spending hours and nights playing together online with a few of my gaming buddies. After you begin talking and playing, it no longer manifests itself as a blocky environment. It isn't you sitting in a chair and looking at a screen. You don't see the other people models as representations of people hundreds/thousands of miles (ore even 5 feet) away. You are there in the game. So are your friends. And you play and talk. Talk and play. Play jokes on each other. Have deep conversations (as odd and labored as it may sound). Even dance to music.

Writing this down, I feel like an absolute uber nerd. And nerd I may be, but I find this one of the most fascinating mediums to communicate in. In this one particular case, Counter-Strike, everyone looks relatively the same. There is no race, color, accent, size, weight, or hair to bias anybody. Everyone is on the level, and it provides a perfect base to work up from.

You would probably never realize the power of this ..... virtual projection of ones self into a gathering place unless you have experienced it for yourself. It is amazing to be laughing and having a good time with someone who is not right next to you, then sign off and look at the clock only to notice that 2 hours have passed by without even noticing it. In this, I have developed some of the best friends that I have. I couldn't imagine life without a stress relieving world that I dive into, and have my friends there ready to hang out and have a good time.

And if you still have problems with that, I could just go to the bar and have a couple cold ones...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Don-Lydia Wedding Reloaded

Stephen came by with a bunch of pictures of Don and Lydia's wedding on a CD. Flipping through, we came to the section where the reception was beginning. As we were looking at them progressively, I remembered where we had been standing at the time that everyone was streaming into the hall while pictures were being snapped. I wondered if we had mistakenly been dropped into one of them. Then we came across this picture. A very nice picture. Then I looked closer. It was almost eerie how well of a shot this would have been, had it been of higher quality. Granted, Cassie's mouth is half obscured by that wishing well thing in the middle of the building(?), but there wasn't much there in the first place anyway... We appear just over Don's right shoulder as he was waltzing in with Lydia. The whole party is there, from left to right: Sarah H's cooking friend, Sarah H (herself), Stephany H, Mike H, Cassie, 'Drew(berry), Sarah M.
I took the liberty of enhancing the photo a bit with my mediocre/lame photoshop skills.

Ok, so maybe I am the only one who thought that it was cool. Probably because it reminded me of how much fun that whole deal was (when weren't afraid we were going to miss the wedding, not have a cake, not have the food, not have the supplies, etc...). Ahh, good times, good memories.

Speaking of, that was also the time that a certain *someone* took a swig of a certain Coca Cola... But that is an entry for another day.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Here's some links to hold you over while I am writing something else.

Here we go, rapid fire:

Stereograms on the internet, still AND motion pictures. They hurt your eyes enough as it is, let alone with the monitor refresh rate. Another page with stereograms.

The remote control human. I can do this without a controller. It just takes a minute for me to get inside their head, in a manner of speaking.

A bad day for some fruit. I really don't know why, but I find this very very disturbing, and it turns my stomach inside out. I am still trying to figure it out.

The definitive source for Whale Exploding. What else are you suppose to do with a dead whale that has beached itself? Have a barbeque?

"Play!": A compilation of some of the best game orchestral compositions all in one performance. With a full sized symphony orchestra!

What is your party affiliation? Are you a raging conservative, an uber commie? Or, do you walk a fine line between opposing factions? Find out here. This is probably biased by some major degree, somehow. But this is the internet. You aren't suppose to believe anything that you read on here, anyway.

The Daily Dancer. All he lives for every single day after waking up is to pick a song, set up some sweet moves, then record himself dancing to it. The guy is brilliant. Who ever said that dancing was evil?

Nuclear Tests. See tons of explosions.

The Minas Tirith Project. An endevour to model all of Minas Tirith into a 3d simulation that would allow you to walk about and observe everything.

Here is an account of a car accident as described by a man who appears to have been leaving a voice message on a friends cell phone at the time of impact. Thanks Sven, John, for the tip.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Revelation (not the book)

I ate bagel pizzas today. More specifically, I ate english muffin pizzas. Technicalities aside, I was struck with a phenomenal property of one of the ingredients. I was astounded that it had been in front of my face for all of these years, yet has failed to manifest itself.

I examined my (english muffin) pizza in order to see if it was overly hot. There was no steam rising out of it, so it appeared to be cool. I to a manly sized bite, and started breathing hard with my mouth open to try to air cool the pizza and keep it from burning the roof of my mouth and my tongue any more than it already was. Once the immediate crisis was over, I began wondering what caused my error in judgment. I put the *pizza down, and lifted up the thick and thorough cheese covering. Lo and behold, steam came flying out from the sauce. This *pizza was not cool at all! It was, in fact, superheated.

I put two and two together to make a simple arithmetic problem. Then I thought, cheese has incredible thermal resistant properties! It wasn't the cheese that was hot, it was the sauce!

Imagine, mozzarella insulation for your house. No thermal loss. Cheddar quilts. No more chilly nights. Not LL Bean jackets, LL Bluecheese. And you can eat it during the summer so that you can change styles every year, if you wish.

All this from an *pizza. And Pizza, I have tremendous respect for...

*english muffin

Friday, November 11, 2005

The People's Whatever of Drewtopia.

I think that this world as a whole is approaching the aspect of "government" from the wrong direction. Therefore, after I become supreme ruler of the world and rename it Drewtopia, I will spawn this mini-nation as an experiment.

First of all, every country in the world has one thing in common: They can all make rules, also known as laws. Of course, these laws are suppose to be for the good of all people. The the only result of the ability to make laws is that more laws will be made. And then there will be more laws. And then there will be even more laws. Eventually you end up with a big fat government that contradicts itself. It especially ticks me off when people are allowed to legally be stupid. There should be a law against stupid, but there isn't. Instead, there is a law to prevent you from kicking manatees. Who cares about lame fat manatees? I'd eat them every day for breakfast, then burn their fat for car fuel the rest of the day, but there is a law against it.

My country will only have few laws that do not change. No laws can be added. No laws can be subtracted. There will be no governing office, or seat of power. No senators, no congressmen, no mayors, no judges, no police, no selectmen. All rulings will be executed through comities. More about this in a minute.

The physical land will be divided up into equal sizes, and the number of divisions of land will depend on the size of the land mass. Where the United States of America resides, 30-40 would appear to be sufficient. People are free to go wherever they want, congregate where ever they want, travel where ever they want, live where ever they want. People also have the freedom to live however they want.

Nothing is considered a crime, unless someone calls you on it. A person can call you on anything that they want, so long as they have a testimony to back it up. If you are called for doing something, you must appear in front of a committee. The committee consists of X number of people who are randomly selected from each district of Drewtopia to serve for a day or a week or a month (There are certain numbers that will need to be worked out, but hey, it's Drewtopia). Testifying before this committee are the accuser and you. If the committee rules your case in a majority thumbs down (literally. No animal sounds. Yea and Nay should have never existed. Thumbs up or thumbs down is the only available measure), then you have to face the ruling of the committee which can be either of the following: To jump in a vat of honey followed by rolling in a pool of feathers, to eat a rotten bag of mini muffins, to suffer a barrage of insults by means of the variants of Panda, to talk to a lawyer for half an hour, make a featured on TLC's "A Makeover Story", or to otherwise take action to rectify the thumbs-down deed.

And that is pretty much the gist of my utopia. Basically, it puts total freedom and safeguards against crime, together in one easy to digest bundle. Please note that, in this environment, stupidity is considered a crime. Take, for instance, shooting off giant fireworks at 2am while being 3 months too late for the 4th of July, or lighting a can of gasoline to watch it burn, or saying "Watch this! ...", or getting drunk, or picking a fight with me. All are pretty stupid things to do, yet stupid people do them anyway. In this case, The People would decide that the action done was, indeed, stupid. The humiliation of the punishment decided on would further discourage any further proliferation of the action.

Likewise, if it is ruled that nobody really cares if we kick manatees in the face, and that people would rather be able to kick manatees in the face, and that only a few short people with high voices would care not to kick manatees in the face, then The People have spoken, and so be it.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Ok, here we go. Think along the lines of a typical Christmas card, or a birthday card, or a sorry for your loss card. This is the front of the card (read first).

And this is the back of the card.

In a couple days, Hallmark will be all over this blog trying to pay me royalties.


Well, when I thought of it last night at midnight I was laughing my guts out. Of course, the midnight part might have something to do with it.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Insensitive clods!

Oh, you people are pathetic. All ten of you. I finally make a happy post that isn't complaining about something or someone AND that features Turkey, and I get totally dissed.

Except for Heidi. You are the awesomest, but you already knew that.

No one even left one of those lame "Heh heh, nice one. I-really-think-that-this-is-a-stupid-post-on-your-part,-but-I'll-stoop-down-

I'm glad none of you are my friends. Gosh.