Thursday, April 28, 2005

Korn, for a healthy diet

Drivers Ed, woohoo, so mentally outstretching and thought provoking. Also a great place for social indulgence.

I usually sit on the very right side with nobody sitting on my right. When I am not looking at my flash cards and am not looking at the instructor, I am generally staring at the wall trying to force myself to think a think of value (Oh the thinks you can think....). It was during an extended lull in the instructors talking, and after I had gone through my greek flashcards 10 cumulative times, that I heard the comment coming off from the left side "Look dude, he's got a hickey!". At this point, I usually continue to stare at the wall, but this seemed like it was said in my general direction. I looked over just as he began to say, "Hey man, look, you got a hickey!". It took me a minute to register just what he was talking about. He pointed to the left side of his neck, under the jaw bone.
"That? Thats just my violinist club card".
"Oh, heh, ok".
He turned around.

He's just jealous that I've been online all day chatting with hot babes.

That wasn't even the weirdest part. The other kid that sits just about right behind me that is the Korn addict (read, has the hats, has the T-shirts, has the sweatshirts, wears the pants, and listens to the CDs at earsplitting volumes. He even has the flippin' flap bag thing, and isn't afraid to tell you all about them and weed) leans up and says, "Hey, you play the violin? I wanted to get one of those. How much do they go for?". I mean, what the crap? Where did this come from? Just when I thought the world didn't make any sense, it makes even less sense. Granted, he had the idea that it would be sort of like a guitar, except in the different direction, and he also wants to buy bagpipes (which I am not holding him up in arms for. Recently I have been wanting to get a set of bagpipes too), but still, this is just way way WAY out there.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

O - :

I absolutely cannot believe that I lacked the logic and creativity powers to come up with this one. Yes, it is an astounding and ground breaking development in data transfer protocols and it is many many times faster than current standards, but still, the monkey inside my head is turning over all of the idea drawing boards in frustration.
So only one course of action remains at this point. I gotta get me one of those!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

FYI to everyone out there.

FYI, I have not been driven off the face of the earth due to the forces of macantosh. I am posting from an Internet connection at a LAN party at this moment. Due to circumstances outside of my control involving Comcast, I cannot be online at all. I'm sure people will divulge later when we get our connection back. I do not have time right now. And since the only people who read my blog live at my house, I don't even know why I am posting this.

See you in a few.

Monday, April 18, 2005

What would happen if...

The earth spun so fast that the centrifugal force canceled out the gravity just enough so that everyone could jump and float in the air for extended periods of time. Then, when you jump too high, the air in the higher atmosphere that isn't spinning as fast would slow you down, and you float back down. Umm, unless it slows you down too much and gravity takes over and smashes you into the ground... loophole.
It was a fun thought.

No, wait. It wouldn't. Because the air in the lower atmosphere would be traviling faster, and should speed you up a little. Enough, you should hope at least.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Future intellectuals of the US.

I have just finished the second week of the three week entanglement of Drivers Ed. I cannot believe that I have spent so much time in a classroom doing just about nothing. Don't get me wrong, the guy is our classroom "instructor" is rather neat, considering the job that he has at hand and considering that he has done this for 20 years (or something to that extent). But spacing out parallel parking or street signs into a 1.5 hour slot AND make it interesting is not a compatible combination. Especially when most everyone else in the room doesn't want to be there as much as I do, but isn't afraid to make their opinion known or divert their attention with gossip or crude jokes. When I am not taking diligant notes to keep myself awake, there is usualy a movie playing. So far, no blood and gore to scare me, but a number of dummie crashes and "dramatic reanactments" of car collisions and pedestrian impacts (one involving a maniquin baby that flew a couple feet in the air. I could just barely supress my snickering. It was just so fake coupled with the fact that everyone in the movie was trying to look so serious. Doesn't work for me). Most of the movies appear to be 15 years old themselvs, judging by the large amounts of very large hair, the 90's style hip clothing that all the cool kids who used their safty belts wore, and the giant casset walkman that the distracted pedestrian would be carrying.
Movies weren't too bad though. While watching a taped TLC "World's Worst Drivers" episode that I had already seen 20 times before, I was able to use the time to go over my Greek flashcards, seeing as half the time I couldn't hear what was playing on the TV anyway, since everyone was talking. That actually proved to be a productive time, until people decided to socialize to a greater degree each day. I had been sitting on the very right in the middle row. A nice tactical spot where I was only flanked on 3 sides, and I could see a majority of the class at any given time with a nice clear space on the right where I could get up at any time and dive out, should anything go south. I came in slightly later one day (still earlier than class time. I am never later), and my seat was taken. So I assumed another seat in the very front next to 2 other (much more sane) seemingly intelligent people. I like to be consistant, so I have sat there all week. Not being the openly obnoxious type (to most people, with some excetpions), I no longer have any time to study greek there. Which has left me with a study gap for this week.

So now I am going to memorize a bunch of stuff for tomorow because I was too stupid to do it all the beginning of this week, not that I could have done it in class then either. So, once again, my stupidity wins out. Which, I guess, isn't necissarially bad. Either way, I still win.
I'm really tired now though, so I want to just get it done and go to bed. So why the crap am I writing this stupid thing. This retarted entry took me 20 minutes to write. Geez. It isn't even coherant. I wrote it in 20 different sections at once. I don't even know why I am putting this paragraph right in the middle of it all. That is just plain stupid.

I think that the chair is tactically made to strain my back, or something. I think it may be that the desk part of the chair is so low that I need to hunch a little to rest my arm on it, so it adds up after a long time to make my back ach. About half way through the class I start to squirm to try and strech out.

The pizza was good today, though. I'll give it that. BACON!!!

(I apologize if this is only halfway ledgable. I don't feel like reading it over right now. Well, nope, forget it. I'm not sorry. Deal with it.)

Monday, April 11, 2005

It's dark in here.

This morning as I was violining away, I was remembering about how I sent away for those sunglasses from the military all that time ago. I was also remembering how I had been getting annoyed as of late at the fact that they hadn't actually come in yet. That, coupled with the fact that I still don't have the boots that I won off of ebay, drove me to the conclusion that I ought to blog about how the military can't just send me my sunglasses and how the whole system is getting corrupt and how it is millions of small instances like this that are slowly dragging the whole country down into oblivion and is making the whole organization bloated and corrupt and unable to stand on its own while people, being the horrid ungrateful evil animals that they inherently are, exploit the whole deal and benefit off of it while the rest of the workforce has to pay for it and creates the enviormental disasters that they are always trying to prevent by running in circles of paperwork and printouts and burnt fossil fuels used to attend useless, unproductive, time consuming meetings that continually result in the return of the original question at hand which fails to let any actual productive work become accomplished in any real manner and just results in the formation of big business that eats up the little guy, the Uncle Bob's next door, the short man that just wants to live the simple life and make due year to year with selling grain or selling cow milk, or making friendly reliable deliveries of free sunglasses to a teenager's youthful sensitive UV ray bombarded eyes.

But, surprisingly enough, about 10 minutes later the mail came and there was a package with it that was addressed from the Marines. I guess I won't have anything to blog about today.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Fridays are awesome. A lot of times, they end up being one of the most busy days for me, but everything that needs to be done has a sweet taste to it, knowing that it will be that last time that it will need to be done before the weekend rolls in. Or, at least, nothing more will be added to the stack of things that need to be attended to. A very comforting feeling.
So, naturally, this is the day that I get sick. More specifically, it was the afternoon before. I happened to decide to go on the first run of the year on that day. I ran, became really tired, and came home. This was natural. I feel it every time I run since I am so out of shape. It usually makes me feel lifeless for about an hour, then it gets better and I hurt for the rest of the week. But this time, I felt the lifeless feeling was not remedied, and the only pain that I felt was the one throbbing in my head. I came back from class feeling like crap and slept very badly that night. Friday was right out the window.
That wasn't even so bad. I was sick. That was that. What ticked me off was that on Saturday morning, I felt like new. I was a little fatigued due to another bad sleep night, but no head throbbing and falling over when standing up. Around 3PM, I was punched in the face with another 103.4 fever. And today, I am still feeling the effects of it.
Hopefully it will be over with by tomorrow after a good nights sleep, but who can tell? Stephen had this same thing, and the effects lasted a whole week for him. It has been 4 days so far, so I am hoping that I can still win out.