The newest family addition
While, generally, I would never even think of setting foot inside a craft store, Mark had an art assignment that he had to start work on and had to pick up some supplies. I was a bit in need of a washroom at that point, so while Markus was picking out his 18x24 50% recycled material medium weight drawing paper and pencile sharpener, I was pacing around a bit. It was in my wanderings that I came about this wonderful creature for an amazing bargain of only $3.99. I liberated him, of course.
Mark used his exceptional naming skills to come up with a name for him. "Hmm, name the wicker turkey,,,,,,Werkey!". And thus, his name is Werkey.
Please make Werkey feel welcome. He is the first of his kind in this house, not being paper or plastic or digital.
We went to Gamestop and Guitar Center (plus CompUSA Midnight Madness the night before [in which I got a wireless-B internal PCI adapter for $5 ATR {After the rebate}]) in order to cleanse myself for being in an arts & crafts store.
Mark used his exceptional naming skills to come up with a name for him. "Hmm, name the wicker turkey,,,,,,Werkey!". And thus, his name is Werkey.
Please make Werkey feel welcome. He is the first of his kind in this house, not being paper or plastic or digital.
We went to Gamestop and Guitar Center (plus CompUSA Midnight Madness the night before [in which I got a wireless-B internal PCI adapter for $5 ATR {After the rebate}]) in order to cleanse myself for being in an arts & crafts store.
Welcome, Werkey!! Yet another addition to Pets de Drew.
Wow, Nice Wicker Turkey!! BTW, have you thought of the value of getting a lower interest rate MORTGAGE?!?! Just click here, Blah, blah blah...
I've thought of getting a lower MORGAGE, but never of getting a lower MORTGAGE.
Hee hee, another anonymous. Mortgage IS spelled with a "t".
One who pays a mortgage and knows
No. I meant a morgage. If you in the specialized scientific feild I am in, you'd know what a morgage is, and how to read one. Generally, the lower the gage reads, the better the conditions.
ooo. a turkey!
I mean, a werkey!
welcome werkey.
altogether different anonymous:
If you want a lower reading on a morgage, then what you really want is a lessgage.
altogether different anonymous again:
And as an interesting factoid, the word "mortgage" comes from 2 french roots meaning "death pact" or "agreement unto death." How cool is that?
No, the morgage was named after Alexander Mor.
Anyways, I hate english.
with a "T" Nayrb. with a "T"...
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