Food for Thought (ha. ha. Bad pun)
You ever wonder what the lyrics to "Bye Bye Miss American Pie" mean, if anything?
I wanted to hear the song a few times in a row the other day, for no apparent reason, then realized how much I didn't understand them. And I don't like not understanding things.
So, here you go. Expand your knowledge.
I wanted to hear the song a few times in a row the other day, for no apparent reason, then realized how much I didn't understand them. And I don't like not understanding things.
So, here you go. Expand your knowledge.
I know an alternate version.
Bye, bye, Mr. Anakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later,
Now he's just a small fry.
He left his home
And kissed his mommy goodbye,
Singin' "This'll be the day that I die!! This'll be the day that I di-i-ie"
Umm... this doesn't refer to your post, but who put up that new image on the left?
I like it.
That was the right, I mean to say.
That would be me, Nayrb, seeing as it is my blog. Or, so I thought.
Actually, the article/breakdown is, I believe, a compilation of hundreds of Usenet music groups and their posts.
In which case he STILL had way too much time on his hands. But that is ok.
Actually, breaking that song down line by line goes back long before the web. I remember kids writing papers for school about the meaning of that song when I was in Jr. Highschool and highschool for english classes and such.
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